Opinions range on the outcome of this, as you can imagine a lot of them varying in severity by how much the person/group giving the opinion stands to benefit from the spam problem getting significantly worse due to this.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
50 Billion Spam a Day
MySpace Scam Emails
The trapped email looked like a legitimate message from MySpace with the subject reading - "New message from Richard on MySpace sent on Oct 05 15:40:00 -4 2006". The spoofed message even contained real MySpace addressing, copyright and privacy information taken from legitimate MySpace "New message" notifications."When someone sends you a message on MySpace, your registered email account is sent a notification email containing a link to your new message. In this case, the link is malicious and tries to steal your personal information," said MySpace user Kurt Thayer. The MySpace Scam Site was taken offline soon after the email was trapped due to an overwhelming amount of traffic."
Earthlink wins case against spammers
The two were identified in an investigation last year by EarthLink's fraud and abuse team into activity at its PeoplePC subsidiary. The team discovered more than 25,000 junk e-mails had been sent through 10 PeoplePC accounts that originated from Miami. The e-mails contained such subject headers as "I'm finally back home" and "I just got back in town," and contained messages that marketed herbal supplements.
Hormel just can't catch a break
Gmail tip
Speaking of Gmail, one tip that I ran across recently (apologies to whoever pointed it out, I am not recalling off the top of my head where I saw this) was that if you want secure access to Gmail, use this url: https://mail.gmail.com/mail. The Gmail link from Google puts you on a secure login, but then redirects to a non-secure Gmail page - going to the above link encrypts the login and the main page. This is nice if you are on a connection that you don't trust, like an open wi-fi hotspot.
As far as I know, this does not yet apply to the mobile interface for Gmail.
Google's Gmail is good at blocking spam
Subliminal ads in spam
Studies have shown that it doesn't really work any better than regular ads and that people tend to buy the products that they were inclined to buy in the first place, so the "trick" ad isn't changing their minds.
AdRants has a post up about this that also has a shot of the animated GIF used in the stock spam that was sent out.
Complexity in the spam world
The sheer scale of the spamming operation became clearer when Mr Peterson started tracking where the spam was being sent from.Analysis of the net addresses where the e-mail messages originated showed that more than 100,000 hijacked home computers spread across 119 nations had been used to dispatch the junk mail.
Rogers Wireless wants voicecasting banned
"It's basically spam on your voicemail," said PIAC counsel John Lawford. "Why should we have to put up with that?"Besides the obvious irritant of paying to listen to an unwanted ad, Lawford says some people find it "creepy" to get messages on an unlisted number, particularly since the phone doesn't ring.
While I have a lot of interaction with internet based spam, I am fortunate that I don't have much phone spam (yet), so I don't know too much about this particular technique yet.
China has passed a new anti-spam law
Under the new law, businesses and Internet service providers must inform the government at least 20 days before an email server is built and must make provisions for keeping all email for a minimum of 60 days. The law also makes it illegal to discuss information security via email, along with any other subject outlawed in China.
Mail.app and image spam
If you are using a Mac and check your mail with their built in Mail.app, then you might want to check out this blog entry over at Hawk Wings. It discusses a filter that will help get rid of that type of spam.
(that site in general is pretty good if you are on a Mac and using Mail.app - it has a lot of good tips on there)
Investing based on spam, bad idea
This goes back to the idea of maybe not doing whatever someone says to do in an email since you know, they might have their own interests at heart and not your interests.
Video Tribute Sites
Apparently some of the video tribute sites that are cropping up around recent events like the anniversary of 9/11, or the death of the Crocodile Hunter areharvesting emails collected on the site to then spam the users.
This is hardly a new concept and an easy way to avoid this sort of thing is assume that everything on the web that asks for an email address is going to spam you. It might not (for example, we take email addresses here when you leave comments, but don't spam you - one way to be sure of that, just put in something fake), but if you at least assume that they will spam you, then you are at least starting to think about what you are doing instead of blindly handing it over and then later wondering where all of your spam is coming from.
Sounds like they need better filters
Management Issues (sounds like a counseling service) has an article up on their site citing a study done by web security group Panda GateDefender Performa. In it, they say porn and spam are the biggest time wasters in the workplace:
Spam is another major time-water, making up an estimated 21 per cent of email reaching companies, Panda said. Some five per cent of all traffic is also infected by some type of malware.In addition, almost 40 per cent of internet use in companies was non-work related – with most visits to pornographic web pages occurring during working hours.
New Spammer Forum
There used to be an online forum/bulletin board where spammers would meet and discuss spam related issues - from the side of the spammers. As with many online discussions, there was a lot of drama and it eventually went the way of the dodo for a variety of reasons.
But as nature abhors a vacuum, so does the business world, even in the spam world - so a new forum has popped up to try and take its place. Bulkerforum.bizsent out an email to all of the previous members of that old board and invited them to join.
They chat about spam and post ads for content delivery, fairly straightforward stuff, but based in the world of spam.
It has been up less than a week and there are already a few fights over who is a real spammer and who the "antis" are on the board. Who knows, maybe the person/people running the site are antis themselves. Who needs soap operas when you have things like this to read.
I imagine that at some point they will make it so that only members can read, but as it is now, it is open to the public.