There used to be an online forum/bulletin board where spammers would meet and discuss spam related issues - from the side of the spammers. As with many online discussions, there was a lot of drama and it eventually went the way of the dodo for a variety of reasons.
But as nature abhors a vacuum, so does the business world, even in the spam world - so a new forum has popped up to try and take its place. Bulkerforum.bizsent out an email to all of the previous members of that old board and invited them to join.
They chat about spam and post ads for content delivery, fairly straightforward stuff, but based in the world of spam.
It has been up less than a week and there are already a few fights over who is a real spammer and who the "antis" are on the board. Who knows, maybe the person/people running the site are antis themselves. Who needs soap operas when you have things like this to read.
I imagine that at some point they will make it so that only members can read, but as it is now, it is open to the public.
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